C D Ricks Photography

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My Super Hero

This is my first attempt at blogging.  

For 10 years now my first born has been a joyful and challenge in my life.  Cameron, my first of three, was born a healthy 10 lbs 15 ounces.  The most adorable baby born that day.  The little man I carried everywhere I went.  Daddy's Man...
That day of your febrile seizure and then with pneumonia shortly after, really struck home hard. From these episodes, my little dude went from running & jumping around in the house, to a slow crawl.  My boy no longer walked. It took us years to finally get a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy.  
  The challenge of raising a child with special needs never gets old. Everyday is totally new.  How do you teach someone with a learning disability.  How do help him....? WHY?!  rolls through my head.  The answer is to just continue to love him as if nothing happened.  Continue to push him to be independent, treat him as a regular kid, and with that love, he is gradually overcoming his challenges, from Speech to Occupational skills.  He too will show you he's no different from anyone else. With a smile that will open up the doors of your heart and, his determination to try, he encourages other around him. It's like he has special powers.  Just one look and he got ya. 
  No one ever said it will be easy. No one ever said that it is exhausting.  But when you don't give up, the rewards are awesome.

 LOVE YOU, My Super Hero.....